SmartOffice for hospitality

Take control of your costs and focus on your business

With our financial automation solutions you focus on delivering exceptional guest experiences

trusted by companies just like yours

Your time is too valuable. Don’t waste it spending hours checking invoices

Save time and ensure invoice accuracy with automated invoice processing, so you can concentrate on delivering excellence in service.

No more headaches with automated efficiencies

Dedicate your time to guest satisfaction and service excellence and not wasting it on mundane paperwork and time-consuming tasks.
Easily integrate new suppliers, products and services.
Accelerate invoice approvals and processing
Drastically reduce up to 80% of your time on processing invoices

Features & Benefits

Transforming manual tasks into automated efficiency

Nominal Ledger Coding

Simple automated NL coding can be based on supplier, line item, and PO detail, with custom rules and coding.

Purchasing Approval and Control

Simple but powerful PO system for none F & B.

Three Way Matching

Automatically approve invoices that match purchase orders, invoices, and goods received notices.

Price Watch

Simple tracking of all invoice prices for any unexpected changes, alerting you to potential issues.

Statement Reconciliation

Reconcile supplier statements effortlessly, receiving targeted alerts for any inconsistencies to facilitate prompt resolution.

Delivery Confirmation

Ensure accurate deliveries with our delivery confirmation feature, resolving issues with supplier shortages with ease.

SmartOffice AP Automation has revolutionized the way we work by streamlining our processes, which has significantly increased accuracy and freed up our staff’s time. This shift allows our team to focus on more strategic and valuable activities. We’re grateful for their role in enhancing our operational efficiency. We are currently moving to a new ERP system, and we are delighted that SOAP will be able to migrate to that system.

Florence Lochrin
Accounts Manager, Martello Hotel (and others)

Supercharge your accounting software

We integrate seamlessly with the leading Accounting & ERP platforms to ensure a streamlined process for you

Questions? We have answers.

How does eliminating paper processes save my company money?
  • Material and Storage Costs: Eliminating paper saves on expenses for printing, ink, and physical storage space.
  • Efficiency Gains: Digital processes are faster and more accessible, reducing time spent on tasks so you can focus on your core business.
  • Error Reduction: Digital systems minimize mistakes like misfiling or loss.
  • Workflow Automation: Tasks can be automated, speeding up processes.
  • Collaboration Improvement: Digital documents enable easier team collaboration.
  • Environmental Benefits: Going paperless aligns with sustainability goals.
  • Compliance Risk Reduction: Digital systems offer stricter controls, lowering compliance risks and associated costs.
What is AP Automation?
Accounts Payable (AP) Automation revolutionises the traditional AP process by digitising and automating tasks such as printing and mailing paper invoices, matching to purchase orders and goods receipts notes, as well as supplier statement reconciliation. This modernisation accelerates payment cycles, enhances reconciliation accuracy, and fortifies defences against fraudulent activities. By embracing AP automation, organisations can not only save on costs but most importantly, reallocate resources to more value-generating tasks.
What is a Purchase Order (PO)?

A Purchase Order is a formal document sent from a buyer to a supplier authorizing the purchase of specific products or services under defined terms and conditions.

Will SmartOffice work with our accounting and financial software?

Yes, SmartOffice can be connected to most accounting systems. The platform has over 40 direct integrations with. We also create custom exports and imports in CSV or XLS for all viable systems.

Can you integrate with other software?

We have integrations with POS systems, inventory management systems, logistics systems and many other vertical software systems.

All FAQs

Stop wasting your time!

Say goodbye to tedious manual tasks and automate your file processing with SmartOffice